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Mi bisabuelo estaba en el Sirio, su nombre era Ottavio Serafini

Dear Sirs,
I'm writing in English,but if you like I can write also in Spanish. I am a descendant of Serafini Family, that was on the Steamer "SIRIO".
I explain you:
Felice Serafini was the father and he survived toghetre with Ottavio and Gino. Ottavio was my grand-grandfather: he had a daughter, Amalia (the same name of his mother, who died on 4th August 1906). Amalia was my grand-mother; she died in 2004. My mother Luigina is the daughter of Amalia and I am Silvia.
I have beeen always interested in this story; my mother and I have helped the Italian reporter GianAntonio Stella with a chapter of his book "Odissee".
While I was surfing on Internet, I've seen ypur web-site and the photos of my grand-grand parents, it has been a grat emotion! Thank you for your site!
I've known tha recently a group of sub have found the relict of Sirio.
Do you have any other information about my family? Only my grand-grand-father, my grand-father and one brother survived (then Gino, the other brother died in the First World War).
When my grand-father married he had 15 sons, and they have the same names of the poor brothers, sisters died. And my grand-mother Amalia had the same name of his mother.
Thank you for any further information ( maybe there is someone who remembers any story..)

Soy Italiana, de Arzignano (Vicenza). Mi bisabuelo estaba en el Sirio, su nombre era Ottavio Serafini. Se salvaron el padre de mi bisabuelo, Felice Serafini, mi bisabuelo Ottavio Serafini e su hermano Gino, que murio en la Primera Guerra Mondial. Todo los otros componentes de la familia murieron (compresa su madre Amalia que estaba embarazada). Mi abuela por eso se llamaba Amalia. En el sito hay la fotos de la familia Serafini. Hay alguin que tiene informationes sobre la Familia Serafini?
Muchas gracias! (perdone por la lengua, pero no hablo mucho bien espanol) Silvia Guarda

Silvia Guarda - Arzignano (VI) Italy